
College sponsors ‘Dialogue for Understanding’ series

的se “College Conversations in Difficult Times” will promote broader understanding of events in the Middle East.


的 文理学院 is announcing a series of events this spring hosted by several units across the College that seek to help our community — students, faculty and staff — broaden our understanding of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and offer opportunities for dialogue to explore the many complex and interwoven issues involved.

“Dialogue for Understanding: College Conversations in Difficult Times” will tap our faculty’s deep expertise to provide context and insight on relevant topics such as antisemitism, 伊斯兰恐惧症, 种族灭绝, 外交政策和言论自由. 重要的是, the events in the series will also allow members of our community to participate in rich yet difficult conversations that foreground exchange, reflection and understanding across difference and among community.

Beyond the 2月ruary panel discussion sponsored by the Program for Public Discourse, specifics for each event are still under development. 的 “对话促进理解”页面 will be updated as dates, speakers and other details become available. 请注意我们的部门, centers and institutes will be hosting additional events beyond these.

  • 2月. 21, “的 Politics of Israel and Palestine,” hosted by the Program for Public Discourse. Political science faculty members Jeff Spinner-Halev and Navin Bapat discuss the politics conflict between Israel and Palestine as part of the Abbey Speaker Series.
  • 3月初, “Faculty Community Conversation on Israel/Palestine,” hosted by the religious studies department.
  • 3月底/ 4月初; “Historical Insights on Key Concepts in the Competing Narratives on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” 由历史系主办.
  • 3月底/ 4月初;“Free Speech and Universities: What’s the Legal Perspective?” hosted by the 文理学院 Dean’s Office. 的 speaker will be Mary-Rose Papandrea, the Samuel Ashe Distinguished Professor of Constitutional 法律, 北卡罗来纳大学法学院.
  • 4月15 - 19, “Community Photovoice: Student Reflections on Campus Climate and the Middle East,” hosted by the 文理学院 Dean’s Office. This public exhibit will feature work by undergraduate students participating in the spring project.