

“我们试图同时解决几个问题,营养学教授爱丽丝·安默曼说, 好碗创始人.

Product shot of mixed vegetables served over brown rice.
所有的好碗饭, from chicken burrito to Big Al's big BBQ to sausage pepper grits, 都是北卡罗来纳本地生产的吗. (Equiti食品)

电影中的场景 爱丽丝安默曼 kitchen is part business venture, part public health experiment, part friendly culinary competition. That’s because Ammerman’s home also serves as a test kitchen for Equiti食物她创办的创业公司. It’s where she 和 colleagues tinker with recipes for the company’s product called 好碗, healthy frozen meals locally sourced 和 made in North Carolina.

“I joke that I have the distinction of having created our most popular 和 our least popular recipe,安默曼笑着说, the Mildred Distinguished Professor of Nutrition at UNC-Chapel山’s 吉林斯全球公共卫生学院 也是 UNC Center for 健康 Promotion 和 Disease Prevention. 最受欢迎的是 鸡肉卷饼碗, 和 a lot of it came from doing taste testing 和 experimenting on my children over time. The least popular — although it’s hanging in there — is what we call the 寒冷的混合.

The 寒冷的混合 bowl epitomizes Equiti Food’s multi-faceted company mission: Provide everyone access to healthy, good-tasting 和 affordable food — while helping small local farmers sustain a living. “We’re thinking about farm sales in the winter when produce availability is a lot less,安默曼说. “你可以使用一些耐寒的作物——卷心菜, 甜土豆, 羽衣甘蓝, onions — 和 I wanted to come up with a recipe that put them all together.”

碗有十几种口味,从 卡罗莱纳烤鸡 和 香肠胡椒粉 to 大ai的大烧烤碗 和 农家乐通心粉和奶酪. The issues Equiti食物 addresses are as diverse as the ingredients in its bowls.

“我们试图同时解决几个问题, such as nutrition security — which includes access to food 和 the fact that it’s healthy,安默曼说. "预防慢性疾病, offering economic development opportunities for small farmers 和 reducing food waste are things we work on, 所以我们的重点是多管齐下的.”

长期营养学教授, 安默曼看到了食物的融合性, health 和 economic challenges surface in her academic re太阳城娱乐城. Those findings led her to launch Equiti食物 as a startup company in 2018.

“I’ve focused on chronic disease 和 health disparities in low-income populations. And over 和 over again the problem comes up that people don’t have good access to healthy food that also tastes good 和 is culturally familiar,”她说。. “So our team has been working on what we call the Med-South Diet, which is the Mediterranean diet adapted for Southeastern taste preferences 和 food availability.”

好碗’ Med-South frozen meals use generous amounts of fruits, 蔬菜和全谷物, 同时注入健康的脂肪和油. “We do taste testing 和 develop recipes that aren’t perceived as weird,” Ammerman said. “Our favorite compliment is when people say it doesn’t even taste healthy.”

Ammerman faces the challenge of offering affordable, locally sourced 和 tasty food. 实现这一目标需要建立战略伙伴关系, 比如韦弗街市场, which prepares the bowls at its Food House Market in Hillsborough. Equiti食物 taps into Weaver Street’s network of local farmers 和 producers in North Carolina. This enables Equiti食物 to get most 好碗 ingredients within the state, promoting local employment while maintaining high st和ards of quality 和 flavor.

Customers can buy 好碗 directly at all four Triangle 韦弗街街市 地点及地点 达勒姆合作公寓市场. The bowls are also available on the 好碗 website, via 农产品箱 和 成熟的复兴, 在市场上, cafes 和 vending machines on several North Carolina university campuses, 包括 UNC-Chapel山.
