

Below is an interfaith calendar observed by many students, staff, 以及我们社区的教职员工. 这个列表, though exhaustive in its inclusion of traditions represented on our campus, is being actively updated as new information becomes available.

Use this calendar as a resource for education and accommodation as you plan classroom, 学术和课外活动.


Jan. 2

Vaikunta Ekadasi (Hinduism) Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, on this day, the gate to heaven opens. 

Jan. 6

主显节(基督教), also known as “Theophany” in Eastern Christian tradition, is a Christian feast day commemorating the visit of the Magi, 耶稣的洗礼, 还有在迦拿的婚礼.

Jan. 14

Makar Sankranti/Pongal(印度教)是庆祝太阳转移到印度教日历中的Makara Rashi(“摩羯座”)十二宫,并献给印度教太阳神苏里亚.

Jan. 15

Bodhi Day (Buddhist) celebrates the day that Buddha reached 启蒙运动. 他在一棵菩提树下冥想,直到他太阳城娱乐了痛苦的根源,以及如何从痛苦中解脱出来.


Feb. 9-10 

农历新年(佛教), 或春节, commemorates the beginning of the Chinese lunisolar calendar and the arrival of spring.

Feb. 14

Ash Wednesday (Christian) Signifying the beginning of Lent, 复活节前的40天, during which many Christians give up some of their common pleasures. 

Feb. 15

Paranirvana (Buddhist) celebrates the Paranirvana of Buddha — not his death, 而是从业力和痛苦的循环中解脱出来.

Feb. 18 

Lailat Al Maraj (Islamic/Muslim) celebrates Isra and Miraj, or the Prophet Mohammed’s miraculous two-part journey taken in one night.

Feb. 24

Māgha Pūjā(佛教), 也被称为“宽恕之夜”,这是佛教徒为自己的罪行寻求宽恕的日子,他们相信自己的命运将在来年得到巩固.

Feb. 25 

Makha Bucha(佛教)是一个节日,纪念佛陀在1月1日带领他的教义的重要聚会,他的第一批弟子中有250人——他的弟子后来被任命为僧侣,以传播佛教的原则.

Feb. 25 

Āsāḷha Pūjā(佛教), 也被称为达摩日, is a festival that occurs on the full moon of the eighth lunar month, 通常是在七月. 这个节日是为了向佛陀致敬,纪念佛陀的第一次布道和佛陀僧伽的建立——四圣谛.


March 8

Maha Shivaratri (Hinduism) Each month in the Hindu calendar, Shivaratri或“湿婆之夜”被观察, 哪个节日需要通宵守夜来纪念克服无知和黑暗的重要性. 湿婆之夜(Maha Shivaratri)或“湿婆之夜”是夏季到来之前最具精神意义的湿婆之夜.


斋月/斋月(伊斯兰教)注重信仰, 这个神圣的仪式是为了庆祝《太阳城娱乐》在这个月的斋月之夜首次降示.


Ramakrishna (Hinduism) Honoring the birth of Ramakrishna, a Hindu mystic and saint. 


Norouz/Norooz/Naw-Ruz (Bahá’í) The Bahá’í New Year, honoring spring and the new life that comes with it. 




Palm Sunday (Christian) celebrates the belief in the story of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. 

March 25

报喜日(东正教, Roman Catholic and Protestant Christian) celebrates the belief that an angel announced to Mary, 耶稣的母亲, 她怀孕了. 

March 25

胡里节(印度教), 被称为色彩节, 春节和爱情的节日, 这是对春天到来的庆祝, the divine love of Radha Krishna and the victory of good over evil.

March 29

Good Friday (Christian) commemorates the execution of Jesus, 这个圣日发生在复活节前的星期五. 

March 31



April 6

Laylat Al Qadr (Islam) Commemorating the Quran first being revealed to Muhammed, this holy day is traditionally celebrated on the 27th day of Ramadan. 

4月9 - 10

Eid Al-Fitr (Islam) Signifies the last day of Ramadan and the end of the fasting period. 

April 13

卡尔萨(锡克教徒)的生日是锡克教的新年,被认为是锡克教历上最重要的日期之一. Vaisakhi标志着旁遮普新年的开始, 庆祝卡尔萨的诞生, 象征着反抗压迫.

4月比如22 - 30


May 2024

May 5

Pascha (Eastern Orthodox) Recognizes Jesus’ resurrection from death. 在这个神圣的日子之前有十二周的准备. Celebrated with a collection of services combined as one. 

May 9


May 9

Yom HaShoah(犹太人)纪念在大屠杀中丧生的生命和许多勇敢的反对大屠杀的积极分子. 

May 9

Purnima(佛教)Purnima在梵语中翻译为“满月”,是为了纪念释迦牟尼的诞生, 谁后来成为乔达摩佛, 佛教创始人.

May 19

五旬节(基督教), 意思是“五十”是基督徒庆祝复活节后五十天圣灵降临在耶稣门徒身上的日子. 

May 23

佛陀(佛教), 也被称为佛祖, 佛Purnima, 而佛诞节是为了纪念他的诞生, 启蒙运动, 悉达多·乔达摩之死, 谁通常被称为佛陀.


6月11 - 13日

Shavuot(犹太), 它的字面意思是“周”,是一个快乐的节日,发生在逾越节后的“七周”,纪念摩西在西奈山上得到摩西律法的启示.


Eid-Al-Adha(伊斯兰/穆斯林), 这个节日被称为“献祭节”,是为了纪念易卜拉欣(亚伯拉罕)愿意服从上帝的命令牺牲他的儿子.


July 8

Ra’s as-Sanah (Islamic/Muslim)  is the Arabic phrase for “head of the new year”. 它象征着伊斯兰历法的第一天,被用作反思过去一年的一天, 还有来年的计划.


Ashura,Muharram (Islamic/Muslim) is a day of commemoration in Islam. 逊尼派穆斯林, Ashura marks the parting of the Red Sea by Moses and the salvation of the Israelites.

July 24

拓荒者日(耶稣基督后期圣徒教会)是为了纪念第一批后期圣徒到达盐湖谷, 7月24日, 1847.


Aug. 12-13 

Tisha B 'Av(犹太人)(希伯来月的第九天)是对犹太历史上所有公共悲剧的纪念, and especially for the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E.

Aug. 26 

Krishna Janmashtami (Hinduism) celebrates the birth of Krishna who was born on this day, and is the eighth avatar of the god Vishnu and worshiped as the Supreme god. 

Aug. 26-Sept. 7

阿南(印度教), 是一个为期10天的收获节,象征着恶魔之王马哈巴里每年的到来,在印度和世界各地庆祝, honoring King Mahabali who is thought to return to Kerala during the festival.


Sept. 5-17

阿南(印度教), 是一个为期10天的收获节,象征着恶魔之王马哈巴里每年的到来,在印度和世界各地庆祝, honoring King Mahabali who is thought to return to Kerala during the festival. 

Sept. 7

Ganesh Chaturthi(印度教), 也被称为Vinayaka Chaturthi, 标志着印度神甘尼萨的诞生, 大象头的繁荣之神, 新的开始, 和智慧. 

Sept. 16

Mawlid (Islamic/Muslim) is an annual Muslim holiday on the twelfth day of Rabi’ al-Awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar that celebrates the Prophet Muhammed’s birthday.


Oct. 2-4

犹太新年(犹太) 字面意思是“年度领袖”, 或犹太新年, 在赎罪日之前的10天里,以纪念、判断和预兆来庆祝. 

Oct. 3-12

Navratri (Hinduism) is a festival dedicated to the Divine Feminine, often associated with Durga Ma and Goddess Parvati. The festival lasts for nine days and nine nights, in which the nine goddesses are worshipped. The celebration is dedicated to her victories over demons and evil. 

Oct. 11-12

Yom Kippur (Jewish) is considered the holiest and most solemn day in the Jewish calendar. Jews often abstain from eating and drinking during this holiday.

Oct. 12

Vijayadashami, Dasara, Dussehra Puja(印度教)是“胜利”(Vijaya)和“第十”(Dashami)的合成,因为罗摩的胜利, 毗湿奴的化身, 在十头魔王之上, Ravana, 在亚实温月十日. The festival symbolizes the victory of good over evil and marks the end of Sharada Navaratri. 

Oct. 16-23


Oct. 23-25

Shemini Atzeret(犹太人), “庄严会议第八日”, is a Jewish religious festival on the eighth day of Sukkoth (Feast of Booths), considered by some to be an independent celebration immediately following Sukkoth.

Oct. 24-25

Simchat Torah(犹太), means “rejoicing of the Torah” and is also known as Simhat Torah, a Jewish holiday that celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, 一个新周期的开始.


Nov. 1

排灯节/屠妖节(印度教, Sikh, Jain, 佛教)被称为“灯节”,” it is celebrated by various Southern Asian religions. Participants celebrate the triumph of good over evil (or lightness over darkness).

Nov. 15

古鲁(锡克教徒), is one of the most important religious festivals of Sikhs, 庆祝古鲁·纳纳克的诞辰, 第一位锡克教宗师.


Dec. 25

Christmas Day (Christian), honors the birth of Jesus Christ and his self-sacrifice.

Dec. 25-Jan. 2

光明节/ Hannukah(犹太), 希伯来语光明节的意思是“奉献”,” and this holiday commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.



Jan. 6

主显节(基督教), also known as “Theophany” in Eastern Christian tradition, is a Christian feast day commemorating the visit of the Magi, 耶稣的洗礼, 还有在迦拿的婚礼.

Jan. 14 

Makar Sankranti/Pongal(印度教), 也被称为Vinayaka Chaturthi, 标志着印度神甘尼萨的诞生, 大象头的繁荣之神, 新的开始, 和智慧.


Feb. 26

Maha Shivaratri (Hinduism) Each month in the Hindu calendar, Shivaratri或“湿婆之夜”被观察, 哪个节日需要通宵守夜来纪念克服无知和黑暗的重要性. 湿婆之夜(Maha Shivaratri)或“湿婆之夜”是夏季到来之前最具精神意义的湿婆之夜.

Feb. 3月28日30

斋月/斋月(伊斯兰教)注重信仰, 这个神圣的仪式是为了庆祝《太阳城娱乐》在这个月的斋月之夜首次降示.


March 5

Ash Wednesday (Christian) Signifying the beginning of Lent, 复活节前的40天, during which many Christians give up some of their common pleasures. 

3月13 - 14日

普林节(犹太), 犹太人的节日是在春天举行的(在亚达的第14或第15天),以纪念以斯帖记中记载的哈曼屠杀犹太人的阴谋失败.


胡里节(印度教), 被称为色彩节, 春节和爱情的节日, 这是对春天到来的庆祝, the divine love of Radha Krishna and the victory of good over evil.

March 25

报喜日(东正教, Roman Catholic and Protestant Christian) celebrates the belief that an angel announced to Mary, 耶稣的母亲, 她怀孕了. 

3月29 - 30日

Eid Al-Fitr (Islam) Signifies the last day of Ramadan and the end of the fasting period.



逾越节/逾越节(犹太), 也叫Pesach, 是犹太人的重要节日吗, that celebrates the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt. 逾越节开始于希伯来尼散月的第15天,尼散月被认为是希伯来年的第一个月.

April 13

Palm Sunday (Christian) celebrates the belief in the story of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. 


卡尔萨(锡克教徒)的生日是锡克教的新年,被认为是锡克教历上最重要的日期之一. Vaisakhi标志着旁遮普新年的开始, 庆祝卡尔萨的诞生, 象征着反抗压迫.

April 18

Good Friday (Christian) commemorates the execution of Jesus, 这个圣日发生在复活节前的星期五. 




May 5

Purnima(佛教)Purnima在梵语中翻译为“满月”,是为了纪念释迦牟尼的诞生, 谁后来成为乔达摩佛, 佛教创始人.

May 29


May 29



6月1 - 3 

Shavuot(犹太), 也被称为星期节, commemorates the giving of the Torah from God to the nation of Israel on top of Mount Sinai.

June 7 

Eid-Al-Adha(伊斯兰/穆斯林), 这个节日被称为“献祭节”,是为了纪念易卜拉欣(亚伯拉罕)愿意服从上帝的命令牺牲他的儿子.

June 8

五旬节(基督教), 意思是“五十”是基督徒庆祝复活节后五十天圣灵降临在耶稣门徒身上的日子.


July 5 

Ashura, Muharram (Islamic) is the 10th day of the 1st month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Muharram.


Aug. 2-3 

蒂' a ' b 'av(犹太), (希伯来月的第九天)是犹太历史上所有公共悲剧的纪念, and especially for the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E. 

Aug. 16

Krishna Janmashtami (Hinduism) celebrates the birth of Krishna who was born on this day, and is the eighth avatar of the god Vishnu and worshiped as the Supreme god.

Aug. 27

Ganesh Chaturthi(印度教), 也被称为Vinayaka Chaturthi, 标志着印度神甘尼萨的诞生, 大象头的繁荣之神, 新的开始, 和智慧.


Sept. 22-24 

犹太新年(犹太), 字面意思是“年度领袖”, 或犹太新年, 在赎罪日之前的10天里,以纪念、判断和预兆来庆祝.

Sept. 22-Oct. 2

Navratri (Hinduism) is a festival dedicated to the Divine Feminine, often associated with Durga Ma and Goddess Parvati. The festival lasts for nine days and nine nights, in which the nine goddesses are worshipped. The celebration is dedicated to her victories over demons and evil.


Oct. 1-2

Yom Kippur (Jewish) is considered the holiest and most solemn day in the Jewish calendar. Jews often abstain from eating and drinking during this holiday.

Oct. 2

Vijayadashami, Dasara, Dussehra Puja(印度教)是“胜利”(Vijaya)和“第十”(Dashami)的合成,因为罗摩的胜利, 毗湿奴的化身, 在十头魔王之上, Ravana, 在亚实温月十日. The festival symbolizes the victory of good over evil and marks the end of Sharada Navaratri. 

Oct. 6-13

Shemini Atzeret(犹太人), “庄严会议第八日”, is a Jewish religious festival on the eighth day of Sukkoth (Feast of Booths), considered by some to be an independent celebration immediately following Sukkoth. 

10月13日- 15日

住棚节(犹太), 是一个为期一周的节日,人们住在一个临时的户外小屋里庆祝——犹太人庆祝和感谢秋收的“sukkah”.


Simchat Torah(犹太), means “rejoicing of the Torah” and is also known as Simhat Torah, a Jewish holiday that celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, 一个新周期的开始.


Nov. 5

古鲁(锡克教徒), is one of the most important religious festivals of Sikhs, 庆祝古鲁·纳纳克的诞辰, 第一位锡克教宗师.



Dec. 14-22

光明节/ Hannukah(犹太), 希伯来语光明节的意思是“奉献”,” and this holiday commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. 

Dec. 25

Christmas Day (Christian), honors the birth of Jesus Christ and his self-sacrifice.


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