
University Day

University Day 2024

请和我们一起参加大学日庆祝活动和校长就职仪式. Roberts at 11 a.m. Oct. 11 at Memorial Hall.

Classes will be canceled from 11 a.m.-12:20 p.m. in honor of the ceremony.

请注意以下进入仪式的政策,包括 clear bags:

  • 客人可携带不超过12″x 6″x 12英寸的透明塑料袋或不超过4个的小手包.5″ x 6.5″.
  • Signs larger than 8.5” x 11” are not permitted.

大学日是纪念大学过去和展望未来的日子. The date, Oct. 12, marks the laying of the cornerstone of Old East, 该机构的第一座建筑,也是美国最古老的州立大学建筑. 卡罗莱纳社区于1877年首次庆祝大学日,在州长西布伦B. Vance, as chair of the Board of Trustees, 命令这一天“在教员的指导下举行适当的仪式”.”

随后的庆祝活动有杰出的教职员工和贵宾的演讲. President John F. Kennedy spoke in 1961, as did Bill Clinton in 1993. 北卡罗来纳州州长将大学日作为他们首个任期的传统活动,其中包括路德·霍奇斯, Jim Hunt, Terry Sanford, Jim Martin, Mike Easley, Bev Perdue, Pat McCrory and Roy Cooper.

During the annual ceremony, 对人类做出杰出贡献的柏油高跟鞋会被授予杰出校友奖和校友奖.

Beginning in 1957 with William B. 在纽约,大学日成为新校长的传统就职日. Sharp in 1964, J. Carlyle Sitterson in 1965, N. Ferebee Taylor in 1972, Christopher C. Fordham III in 1980, Paul Hardin in 1988, Michael Hooker in 1995, James Moeser in 2000, Holden Thorp in 2008, Carol Folt in 2013 and Kevin Guskiewicz in 2020.

Public higher education began in Chapel Hill in 1793, and for more than two hundred years, 卡罗来纳州象征着教育在民主国家的重要性. It remains a place defined by those values, as noted by Governor Terry Sanford in 1987, of “freedom and liberty and tolerance, the search for truth, the defense of dignity, courage to arrive freely at convictions, 以及为这些希望和真理挺身而出的个人勇气.”