
校长科学学者 builds on late dad’s work

The daughter of a surgical oncologist, Logan Amos will re太阳城娱乐城 cancer and microbiology.

A woman posing for a photo with a lawn and trees in the background.
受到她父亲工作的启发, incoming first-year Logan Amos said Carolina is a "great school" for pursuing her re太阳城娱乐城 interests of cancer and microbiology. (提交的图)

洛根·阿莫斯8岁时,她父亲, 北卡罗来纳大学医学院的外科肿瘤学家, 意外身亡. Ten years later, she is returning to Chapel Hill as a 校长科学学者 追求自己的研究目标.

“I did want to do something that sort of helped people understand how the world works and help support people’s health and help people understand their health,阿莫斯说。, 谁想关注癌症和微生物学. Carolina, she said, “is honestly just a great school for that.”

As a child, Amos didn’t know much about her dad’s work. But the way he died sparked her interest in health and medicine.

In 2013, the family went to Europe because the American College of Surgeons had given Dr. Keith Amos an award to study how breast cancer is treated in other countries. 在爱丁堡, 苏格兰, he suffered an aortic dissection — a tearing in the layers of the aortic wall that shares common symptoms with and “mimics how heart attacks work,阿莫斯说.

“The methods that they were using to help him basically made it worse because when you have a heart attack, the way that you treat it is literally the complete opposite from an aortic dissection,”她说。. “他基本上是内出血.”

His death happened so quickly that it took the family a while to figure out what happened and come to terms with it.

“很多人都很生气,因为, 就像, why wouldn’t you know how to treat something that’s completely different from a heart attack?她记得当时在想. “那 sort of is what initially got me interested in biology and health in general.”


Currently living in her native Houston, Amos moved often during her youth. She attended high school at a boarding school in Ohio, where she worked in an on-campus cancer immunology lab. She conducted a project on how nicotine affects cancer growth in non-lung parts of the body and did more re太阳城娱乐城 at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi on ways to detect cancer more swiftly.

她觉得自己开始找到自己的位置了. Then she made a serendipitous discovery when she reviewed an article for her own work and spotted “K.D. 作为作者.

“这对我来说是一种开启,”她说. “我当时想,‘哦,天哪,这太有趣了.“我不知道我爸爸以前也这么做过. 那’s when I had really decided that the place that I wanted to be was cancer re太阳城娱乐城.”

今年夏天, Amos got a jump start on college through the 校长科学学者s’ five-week Summer EXCELerator program. 学生上课, 参观实验室, receive professional development and take part in cohort-building activities.

“I think one of the best things about UNC is the accessibility to different kinds of labs, 你只要开口问就行了,”她说。. “There’s just so much opportunity to do all different kinds of re太阳城娱乐城 — whenever, wherever.”

Amos said the program helped her get accustomed to life on a college campus, from living in a dorm to eating at the dining hall and going through a finals week.

这也肯定了她来卡罗来纳的决定, which she said balances strong academics with career prep and “having fun” better than other schools she considered.

那, plus access to the resources allowing her to follow in her father’s footsteps, 是什么让她回到教堂山的.

“It’s always been my dream school, the dream place that I want to stay,阿莫斯说. “Even when I left North Carolina, I was still really interested in going to UNC.”