Diversity and Inclusion

Make your voice heard with the UNC System race and equity survey

"Your input is critical to both the UNC System and our campus, and will be used to help us understand what issues are important to you and what changes need to be made to improve our campus culture and climate."

The Bell Tower
Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Jon Gardiner/UNC-Chapel Hill)

Dear Carolina Community,

The UNC System race and equity survey is intended to provide baseline metrics that will allow UNC System and individual campus leadership teams to address challenges that may exist and to recognize current practices that successfully advance a culture and climate of equity and inclusion. The survey results will assist the UNC System and our campus in identifying tangible steps that can be taken in pursuit of racial equity and understanding.

Faculty, staff and students in the University of North Carolina System are being asked to take part in the research study. You must be at least 18 years old to participate. The questionnaire will ask about your experiences and perceptions at your institution related to racial diversity, equity and inclusion. The questionnaire will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey closes Wednesday, Sept. 30.

We encourage each of you to take the survey because a high response rate ensures an accurate representation of our student, faculty and staff community. Furthermore, your input is critical to both the UNC System and our campus and will be used to help us understand what issues are important to you and what changes need to be made to improve our campus culture and climate.

You can access the survey using one of the links below:

Student survey link: http://northcarolina.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3IbIb5XU5zhObyJ

Faculty and staff link: http://northcarolina.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9HayPjmC1XALtsh

Spanish faculty and staff link: http://northcarolina.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1yRF9QD6bdL0hYp

Your participation in the questionnaire is completely voluntary. You have the option to complete the questionnaire or not and you can stop completing the questionnaire at any time if you so choose. All the information that you provide will be anonymous. Your name will not be associated with your responses. General results from the questionnaire will be shared with the UNC System Office to help inform efforts to foster positive campus climates at UNC institutions. De-identified information collected through this questionnaire may be used to inform the UNC System Racial Equity Task Force’s final report and recommendations. As with any study involving collection of data, there is the possibility of breach of confidentiality of data. Every precaution will be taken to secure your responses and ensure confidentiality.

If you have any questions about this research, please email Shun Robertson at srobertson@northcarolina.edu. If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research subject, you may contact the UNC Institutional Review Board at 919-966-3113 or by email to IRB_subjects@hth-ope.com.


Kevin M. Guskiewicz

Robert A. Blouin
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Sibby Anderson-Thompkins
Interim Chief Diversity Officer

IRB Number: 20-2212