
李H. 罗伯茨的目标是跟上不断变化的未来

在他就职之后, Carolina’s 13th chancellor strives for the nation’s “best public university” to set the bar even higher.

李H. 罗伯茨在老井附近会见学生
李海校长. 8月8日,罗伯茨在老井第一次见到学生时,就去看望他们. 19. (Jon Gardiner/太阳城娱乐)

10月. 11、全国第一所公立大学将成立 庆祝它的231岁生日和安装 第13任校长李. 罗伯茨.  

“I’m most excited about celebrating the remarkable history of this incomparable institution that day, 向我们杰出的校友致敬, and take the opportunity to reflect on our myriad accomplishments while challenging us collectively to set the bar even higher going forward.” 

事前准备, 罗伯茨回答了有关大学未来的问题, 在接受油井采访时,他谈到了招生增长和其他问题. 

当您接近安装时, what are your thoughts about this institution’s future and your role as its leader?

I don’t think there’s been a more important institution to our state’s growth than this University. 在变革步伐加快的时候, our challenge is to make sure that’s true for the next 231 years and beyond.

What do you want the state’s residents to know about Carolina’s affordability?

北卡罗来纳大学的学费八年来一直保持不变. 按名义价值计算,这意味着它下降了20%. 这是非凡的. 我不知道你还能买到什么降价20%的东西. We provide $37 million in University aid a year through our Carolina Covenant scholarship program, 哪家公司正在庆祝其成立20周年, 我们还增加了“蓝天学者”和“焦油后跟保证”. 我们做了艰苦的工作,让卡罗来纳的教育负担得起. We need to do a better job with the relatively easier challenge of getting the word out.  

How will you balance your goal of increasing Carolina’s enrollment with maintaining its reputation for excellence and affordability?

我们为增加入学人数所做的任何事情都将逐步进行, 考虑到它对我们基础设施的影响, 对于我们的教职员工, 工作人员, 以及教堂山镇. 但我不认为优秀需要一定的体型. We have peer institutions to whom we compare ourselves nationally who represent excellence at a wide range of undergraduate enrollment sizes. 所以我不认为这是一种取舍. 

How will you make sure that Carolina is accessible to students from all backgrounds and that they feel welcome and supported here?

我们必须做得更好,深入到这个州的每一个角落, 字面上和比喻上, to make sure that talented high school students understand that Carolina is a place for them, 它是负担得起的, 它是可访问的, 当他们来的时候, 他们可以茁壮成长. We sometimes lose admitted students because they’re worried about whether Carolina might be a place for them. 我们有近900个学生组织和几个学生中心. 学生们可以通过校内运动找到一种感觉舒适的方式, 服务组织或联谊会生活. For example, we’re also looking at steps like making more halal meals available to Muslim students. 我们已经取得了长足的进步,我们将继续取得更大的进步. 

What are the next steps based on the findings of the Chancellor Working Groups on these four issues: master plan, 人工智能, 应用科学与招生?

我们对工作组相对较快地完成工作感到满意, especially given the complexity of the topics and the breadth of the constituencies. 但现在最困难的部分是实施和执行, 这对每个工作小组来说都是不同的.  x

  • 总体规划. We have three large capital projects underway: the Translational 研究 building, 舷窗巷项目和篮球馆的改建. 每一个都有自己的工作流程和项目计划. We’re also trying to do a better job prioritizing our repair and renovation needs and understanding our capacity utilization for our classroom and lab buildings, 停车, 住宿和餐饮. 
  • AI. 我们将实现分为三个部分. Our vice chancellor for re太阳城娱乐城, Penny Gordon-Larsen, will lead our re太阳城娱乐城 priorities. 迈克·巴克, 我们负责信息技术的副校长, is leading how we deploy AI internally to improve the University’s operations. And the provost is working with the deans on how AI can be deployed in the classroom for a more consistent student experience.
  • 应用科学. We have very strong demand for our existing programs in applied physical sciences, 生物医学工程, 数据科学和环境工程. 至少,很明显,这些项目应该得到发展. We’re in dialogue with the 北卡罗来纳大学系统 office and the General Assembly about several different scenarios for implementation.
  • 招生. 招生 growth has implications not only for our campus and for our surrounding community, 而是对整个系统而言. And so we’re continuing to have those conversations with all the relevant stakeholders. 我们还没有就招生做任何决定. 如果我们什么都不做, 北卡罗来纳州高中毕业生的录取比例, 现在3.5%的比例会随着国家的发展而继续下降.

飓风海伦摧毁了该州的西部地区. 卡罗来纳州在帮助经济复苏方面做了什么?

我们的心与受这场悲剧影响的每一个人同在. We’re especially focused on the needs of our fellow 北卡罗来纳大学系统 schools: Western Carolina, 阿巴拉契亚州立, 尤其是北卡罗来纳大学阿什维尔分校, 哪个似乎是最严重的打击. Our medical professionals at UNC健康 have been working tirelessly to assist people in the West and our four regional hospitals there. Every part of our University, given our mission of service to the state, can play a role. 卡罗来纳州公共服务中心正在协调我们的工作 在网站上分享信息和资源

We were looking forward to the Tar Heel Bus Tour — which is really two tours, 一条通往该州西部, 向东一个方向. But we thought it best to postpone the bus tour this year and redirect those resources to hurricane relief. 就像灾难一样可怕, the silver lining has been watching the spirit of this remarkable state of North Carolina and the people coming from every nook and cranny of the state to help out in whatever way that they can.  

You have said that Carolina should be committed to being “head and shoulders” above the best public university in the U.S. How are you working to acknowledge and encourage the excellence here on campus?

I think, in a lot of ways, we already are the best public university in the United States. 我们对即将到来的媒体合作伙伴关系感到兴奋,以展示教师, 教职员工和其他在我们大学做着有趣事情的人. 但放眼校园,处处可见卓越. 上周我参加了凯南教授的活动, 一群来自不同学科的杰出的知识分子. 在大学日, we’re honoring distinguished alumni who have been exceptional in their respective fields, 星期六, 我们向朱利叶斯·佩珀斯致敬, 史上最伟大的穿柏油高跟鞋制服的运动员之一.  

The 创新 Junction on Franklin Street just celebrated its first anniversary. 谈谈创新对我们校园和社区的重要性.

The innovation effort being led by Vice Chancellor Dedric Carter is crucial to Carolina and to the state. 从历史上看, 我们在太阳城娱乐新技术和新想法方面非常成功, but not as effective at commercializing those technologies and using our resources to benefit the broader community. 在我们在这些领域的努力的基础上,他开了一个好头, 创新枢纽是其中的重要组成部分. Having it on Franklin Street is important, both practically and symbolically. It’s a terrific space that I think is serving the community well and will continue to catalyze growth.