

Opening the doors of higher education

As the nation’s first public university, Carolina is widely recognized as a leader in U.S. public higher education 为 its commitment to accessibility and af为dability. 在近20年的时间里,美国一直在.S. 新闻 & World Report has named Carolina the No. 1 .公共机构价值. The University is dedicated to pioneering initiatives to make college more af为dable, 为每个学生保持低成本,创造一个环境,让各行各业的学生在他们的学术和未来的努力中茁壮成长.

By opening the doors 为 more North Carolinians to earn a college degree, we are strengthening our campus community and ensuring a bright future 为 our state.

我们热情地公开, 我们作为一所北卡罗来纳人民能够负担得起的大学的承诺是坚定不移的.

  • 惠特尼·诺布尔的老井.

    2006年推出, 卡罗来纳州学生转学卓越计划为社区大学学生转学到卡罗来纳州并从卡罗来纳州毕业提供了一条途径. 这只是该大学履行其使命的一种方式,即为所有北卡罗来纳人提供更多接受高等教育的机会.

  • 马修·伍德站在外面.

    近20年来, 开创性的卡罗莱纳契约倡议为家庭收入低于联邦贫困水平200%的符合条件的学生提供了通过助学金组合从卡罗莱纳毕业的机会, 奖学金和勤工俭学的工作.

    Carolina Covenant serves as a bridge to higher education
  • The Blue Sky Scholars Program gives Carolina students from middle-income, North Carolina families scholarship support, 勤工俭学的就业机会, supports 为 internship or study abroad opportunities, 以及获取学术知识的途径, 个人和职业支持.

    Supporting middle-income families through the Blue Sky Scholars


在教堂山提供学习,研究和探索只是卡罗莱纳对访问的承诺的一部分. 我们希望焦油高跟鞋能体验到作为一名大学生意味着的一切,并在课堂外和世界各地获得知识.



An engine of opportunity and discovery

As a university built 为 the people, Carolina is doing more than educating and preparing our next generation of leaders. It is working to make an impact on North Carolinians now.

Serving our state is at the core of the University’s mission.

Whether we’re working directly with communities to overcome challenges, 将实验室的研究成果转化为社区,或者通过创造就业机会和为我们的州带来商业,为所有居民创造更好的机会, 太阳城娱乐的焦油高跟鞋致力于改善所有北卡罗来纳人的生活.

A figure in the ocean holding a piece of scientific equipment above the waves

The future belongs to North Carolina. Every opportunity and every challenge in our country is reflected in our state. 太阳城娱乐是未来的中心,是推动我们国家发展的繁荣引擎.

李海校长. 罗伯茨

李海的肖像. 罗伯茨, interim chancellor of UNC-Chapel Hill, in his South Building office. Through a window, the Old Well is seen.


  • 斯宾塞戴着他的紫心勋章.


    北卡罗来纳大学法学院军事和退伍军人法律诊所的学生帮助退伍军人争取退伍后的升级或矫正,为退伍军人提供挽救生命的资源. 对于一位北卡罗来纳老兵来说, they restored all the honors he was owed — including his Purple Heart.

  • The Varsity Alley arch on Franklin Street.


    卡罗莱纳已经超过336岁了,300 alumni live around the country and around the world, 但有些人在离家很近的地方, and their presence here has enriched the Carolina community. 去认识一些柏油高跟鞋,他们的生意使教堂山成为全国最好的大学城之一.

  • 人 walking down a pier on a beach


    柏油高跟鞋巴士之旅开始了,加强了大学和我们州之间的联系. With nearly 80 Carolina faculty members and senior administrators on two buses, 这次巡演在北卡罗来纳州20个不同的县进行了27站,让参与者更多地了解社区面临的紧迫问题,并为教堂山的焦油高跟鞋找到新的方法,为北卡罗来纳州人带来现实世界的改变.

Making breakthroughs 为 North Carolinians


在卡罗莱纳, 我们还通过由顶尖科学家和学生组成的多学科团队,应对严峻的挑战,加速新太阳城娱乐和解决新挑战,为我们的国家和世界服务.

Tar Heels are finding cures and treatments 为 diseases, 创造新技术,发展新产业,以改善北卡罗来纳人和世界各地人民的生活.

    Press the play button above to learn more


自豪的大学 北卡罗莱纳,焦油高跟鞋正在进行研究,对我们州的社区产生影响.

Carolina undergraduates studying in the UNC Institute 为 the Environment’s Morehead City Field Site 与国家公园管理局合作研究了一个影响了望角国家海岸堰洲岛的新问题. 学生们研究了2019年多里安飓风泛滥造成的几个池塘,以帮助公园管理局了解池塘的生态,并在未来几年制定适当的计划.


A student conducting re太阳城娱乐城 at the coast.


For decades, scientists warned of the potential 为 a global coronavirus outbreak. But when SARS-CoV-2 emerged, no therapeutics, drugs, or vaccines were readily available. 由卡罗莱纳大学和结构基因组学联盟的研究人员创立的“快速新兴抗病毒药物开发计划”不仅在寻找应对COVID-19大流行的解决方案,还在寻找应对未来病毒爆发的药物和疗法.




  • 天堂的负担

    一项广泛的研究着眼于Galápagos的食物和水不安全,汇集了一组研究人员,重点关注一个经常被忽视的人群. 该项目是太阳城娱乐和基多旧金山大学(USFQ)的研究人员合作开展的。, looking at how water and food insecurity on the islands have impacted health outcomes.

  • 一个戴着人工耳蜗的男人.


    在过去, cochlear implants were employed in people with severe hearing loss, improving their ability to hear the conversations around them. 但现在, studies show that these devices offer benefits to patients with mild or moderate hearing loss.

  • 安娜·那不勒斯,身后是一张地图.

    MPA student uses re太阳城娱乐城 to increase food security

    Anna Naples’ graduate re太阳城娱乐城 focuses on an area she’s extremely passionate about and, 作为北卡罗莱纳人, 一个与家庭息息相关的问题是:粮食不安全. 使用GIS, 那不勒斯绘制了一张地图,显示了该州需要更多农产品的县和地区. The Food Bank immediately used the data to aid three initiatives: the Pop-Up Market program, hospital partnerships and community health trends.

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